How to select correct welding method for pleated filter cartridge middle seam?

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Update time : 2020-10-10 16:03:24

How to select correct welding method for pleated filter cartridge middle seam?

According to filter memrbane materials, the absolute filtration pleated filter cartridges include PP, PES,PTFE,NYLON, fiberglass, PVDF filters. There are 3 types of welding methods for welding these filters middle seams: hot welding, ultrasonic and impulse welding. Then how to select correct welding method? The characteristics of the various welding methods are detailed in the table below.
welding method available pleats membrane material Features
hot welding PP,PES,PTFE,NYLON, fiberglass, PVDF suitable for welding more types of filter membrane materials
compared with ultrasonic welding, its welding capacity is lower
ultrasonic welding PP The filter membrane material an be welded is limited, only PP membrane is available.
It is with higher welding capacity.
impulse welding PP,PES,PTFE,NYLON, fiberglass, PVDF suitable for welding more types of filter membrane materials
Because of its larger temperature control error, its welding precision is worse compared with above two welding methods.
For the middle seam welding of the pleated filter, this is a more traditional, gradually replaced by the above 2 kinds of welding

To sum up: If you produce a large number of PP membrane pleated filter cartridge, you can select to use the ultrasonic welding; while
for the production of PES, PTFE, Nylon, fiberglass, PVDF membrane pleated filter element, it is recommended to select hot welding machine to do middle seam welding.