How to select correct welding and cutting machines models according to filter medias material of pleated membrane cartridges?
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Update time : 2022-03-04 15:18:47
How to select correct welding and cutting machines models according to filter medias material of pleated membrane cartridges?
Before the text explanation, it is necessary to earn about the structure of pleated membrane filter cartridges for liquid filtration firstly. One complete piece of depth pleated filter cartridge consists of end cap, inner core & outer cages and pleats. The filter pleats are made of multi-layer of filter medias, including support layers and membrane layers.
The filter media which plays the key role of filtration is the membrane layer filter media. Therefore, pleated filter cartridges are usually classified according to the material of the filter membrane.
Next, let's talk about the material of the filter medias of pleated filter cartridges.
The filter medias materials of pleated depth filter cartridges include: PES, PP, Nylon, PVDF, fiberglass and PTFE. 1.PES(Polyethersulfone): PES membrane is a thick membrane with high capacity for particle retention. Ideal for high-protein solutions or when liquids contain elements that tend to bind to filter media. This membrane is utilized as a single layer and integrated as a prefilter with our sterilizing and bioburden control filters. According to applications, the grades of filter cartridges made of PES membrane include general grade, food & beverage grade and clear water grade, bio-burden reduction grade, pharmaceutical grade.
2.PP: polypropylene depth media Polypropylene pleated depth media is designed for the clarification and prefiltration of liquids and air/gas. This media has broad chemical compatibility, is highly efficient and helps protect your more expensive final filters. Products made with polypropylene depth media are commonly used in water and waste water filtration.
3.Nylon:6-6 Standard nylon6-6 is a polymer known for its durability, making it a reliable and long -lasting membrane for filtration. It has long been used in filtering water and specialty chemicals in a variety of industries because of its versatility and chemical compatibility.
4.PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride): Hydrophobic: Naturally hydrophobic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane is made from a fluoropolymer that is compatible with a wide variety of chemicals and solvents. Our high-capacity membrane is cast in a form that creates high void volumes and high dirt holding capacity for filtration of non-aqueous solutions or process air and gases. The broad chemical compatibility of PVDF does make it ideal for filtering chemicals and some solvents. Hydrophilic: Though naturally hydrophobic, this high-capacity membrane is modified to make it hydrophilic and able to be wetted with water and other aqueous solutions. The broad chemical compatibility of PVDF makes it ideal for filtering chemicals and some solvents.
5.Fiberglass: Pleated fiberglass is a highly efficient media used to remove large quantities of particulates in prefiltration and clarification applications. The high dirt holding capacity and long life of fiberglass media in prefiltration applications makes it ideal in highly loaded product streams like those in juice processing, bioprocessing, pharmaceutical and biologics prefiltration, and other chemical processing applications.
6.PTFE(Polytetrafluoroethylene): PTFE is a highly hydrophobic fluoropolymer membrane used for tank vents, and filtering process gases and non-aqueous fluids. Filters made with PTFE have broad chemical resistance and are suitable for high temperature applications. Available pre-wetted for use in aqueous applications.
We explained the classification of filter membrane of filter cartridges.
Now let's learn about the processing and production of filter elements and the equipment required for the production of filter elements.
The whole production process of pleated filter cartridges includes: pleat making, filter cutting, middle seam welding, pleats assembly, end cap welding, length joint(connector) welding(stacking), adaptors welding.
The equipment required for the production of pleated filter cartridges include: pleat making machine (pleat makers), filter cutting machine (filter cutters), middle seam machine(seamer), end cap welding machine (end cap welder/capper), length connection welding(welder/stacker), adaptors welding machine (fitting end welder).
The choice of pleating, cutting and welding equipment is affected by the material of the filter membrane.
We focus on introduction of filter cutting and welding equipment here.
According to the influence of filter membrane on welding and cutting, the pleated depth filtration cartridges be divided into two categories: Category 1 is basic PP filter membrane filter cartridge. Category 2 is the filters made of left 5 types of membranes-PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon.
The two welding processes that have a great impact on the quality of filter cartridges are middle seam weldingandend cap welding. Therefore, we focus on the equipment selection of these two welding processes.
Category 1- basic PP filter membrane filter cartridge: SIIC-M025-MSW-PP is ideal machine model for middle seam welding of basic PP membrane filter cartridge.
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Category 2-pleated filter cartridges made of PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane: SIIC-M025-MSW-H is ideal machine model for middle seam welding of PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane filter cartridge.
Related video: FQA: Q-01: Can use PP membrane filter cartridge middle seam welders to weld fiberglass membrane filter cartridge? A-01: Barely ok, but the welding effect is not ideal. If you are a manufacturer who pays attention to the quality of filter element, the middle seam welding of glass fiber filter element and PP folding filter element must be welded with different equipment.
Category 1- basic PP filter membrane filter cartridge:
SIIC-M025-ECWH is ideal machine model for basic PP membrane filter cartridge end cap welding. It is one end cap welder with hot plate welding system with high production capacity.
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Category 2-pleated filter cartridges made of PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane:
SIIC-M025-ECW-IR is ideal machine model for end cap welding of PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane filter cartridge. It is one end cap welder with infrared welding system.
Related video: FQA: Q-01: Although my filter cartridge membrane is PES, all the plastic parts (including out cage/inner core and end caps) of my filter cartridge are made of PP, why shall I use infrared welding system? What is the difference? A-01: PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane filter cartridges normally have high requirement of the filter cartridge integrity. In the end cap welding process, while the end cap is welded with the plastic cages, it also needs to be welded with the filter pleats. Only infrared welding system can 100% guarantee the welding effect between PP end caps and PES/PVDF/PTFE/Fiberglass/nylon membrane pleats.
Compared with hot plate welding, infrared welding system has following advantages:
-non touch new technology of radiation heating welding which is mainly used for welding products which needs high sealing requirements.
-stable radiant heat output makes welding surface smooth without wire drawing.
-no need to clean the heating surface, which greatly shortens the welding cycle.
-The appearance is free of damage (crushing, plastic deformation caused by excessive heating, etc.)
-Complete welding with high and stable quality and high requirements for air tightness and integrity. Q-02: Can we PP membrane pleated filter cartridge share one infrared welding machine with PES membrane depth filter cartridge? A-02: Yes. When you plan to produce only PP membrane filter cartridge and your budget is limited, it is not necessary to buy infrared end cap welder.
The cutting process here mainly refers to the cutting of the filter cartridge pleats and the trimming off the pleats edge.
Category 1- basic PP filter membrane filter cartridge:
Recommended machines models include:
1)SIIC-LC10-R rotary cutter, cutting is done after filter pleats installation.
2)SIIC-LC10/20-P platform cutter, cutting is done before filter pleats installation.
3)SIIC-LC-A automatic cutter, cutting is done just after pleating while non stop pleating.
Related video: Rotary cutter
platform cutter
Category 2-pleated filter cartridges made of PES/PVDF/PTFE/fiberglass/Nylon membrane:
Recommended machine models include:
1)SIIC-LC10-R rotary cutter, cutting is done after filter pleats installation.
2)Custom cutting solutions are mostly ideal and most acceptable by customers.
FQA: Q-01:Cutting can be done before pleating? Since some pleating machines manufacturers told us their pleating makers are already with pre-cutting parts. A-01:No. Normally, such pleat makers with pre-cutting part are mainly used for air filter pleating and dust collector filter cartridges whose pleats are only made by single layer of filter media. To be exact, the pre-slitting here is only a half slitting, it is a kind of intermittent cutting, which cuts the filter paper incompletely. And air filter and dust collector filter cartridges pleat making are suitable for pre-cutting.
The membrane pleated filter cartridge for liquid filtration is totally different with air pleated filters and dust collector filter cartridges. The pleats of membrane filter cartridges are made of multi-layers of filter media, and each layer for filter media is thin. Pre-cutting is not available for pleat making of membrane depth pleated filter cartridges. Q-02:When I buy filter media roll with exact requested width, it is necessary for me to purchase additional pleats width cutter/trimmer? For example, my plastic tube is 239mm long, then I will purchase 239mm width filter medial roll. A-02:Yes, additional pleats width cutter/trimmer is necessary.
As far as we know, only very few factories do not do additional pleats width or trimming off works, which is only used to produce pleated PP membrane filter cartridge with not so high-quality requirements.
Because even if you increase your investment in the filter media making machine and use the latest fully automatic pleat makers, you can't completely avoid the deviation caused by the pleating process. In other words, it's impossible to achieve 100% material utilization. Therefore, the cutting and trimming of filter pleats cannot be omitted.
To sum up, when you plan to produce membrane pleated filter cartridges, you need to study the filter media material of the filter cartridge first, and then select the appropriate equipment according to the material of the filter membrane.