Key points for welding PP filter paper pleats middle seam

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Update time : 2019-11-05 21:48:38
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SIIC-M025-MSW is special machine to weld middle seam of pleated filter cartridges, it is using smart ultrasonic welding system to realize the middle seam welding of filter cartridges, special for welding non-woven polypropylene filter paper.  
Then how to weld pleated filter cartridge middle seam correctly?
SIIC team is glad to share with you about key points for welding PP filter paper pleats middle seam:
/Make sure that the upper die and the lower die are aligned horizontally.
/Make sure that the two ends of the upper die and the lower die are aligned in front and back, and there is no inclination.
/The correct gap between upper and bottom mould (die) shall be 5-6mm.
See following diagram:

SIIC-M025-MSW filter cartridge middle seam welder picture:

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