About high flow pleated filter cartridge parts callings

Views : 4862
Author : indrofiltermachine.com
Update time : 2020-02-12 18:00:03
About high flow pleated filter cartridge parts callings
Shanghai INDRO is one professional
high flow pleated filter cartridge welding machines manufacturer and supplier, during our communications with our customers, we find different customers have different callings about high flow pleated filter cartridge parts.

Today SIIC team specially introduces you about high flow pleated filter cartridge parts callings as followings, hope it works for you.
1 pc of high flow pleated filter cartridge includes filter media and plastic parts.
We mainly introduces you plastic parts here.
High flow pleated filter cartridge plastic parts:
Outer cage and inner core: outer cage and inner core are plastic parts which are supporting the filter cartridges, usually they are hard and mostly made of polypropylene. There are also some filter cartridges with soft outer cages, the soft outer cage here is also called soft mesh cover outside of filter cartridge.
Caps: one is common connecting caps which are used to weld and connect several pieces of filter cartridge together to get longer high flow pleated filter cartridge. The other one is fitting end cap which is used to fit high pleated filter cartridge into cartridge filter housing, the fitting end cap is also called end connection caps or end caps, such open end cap with O rings, end cap with handle, end caps with different brand are with different types. Here are pictures of 3M, Parker, Pall brand high flow pleated filter cartridges end caps for your reference.

It is very important to confirm you are using which types of end caps before you plan to make high flow pleated filter cartridge, this affect the high flow pleated filter cartridge end caps welding machine design and your filter cartridge production process, and of course it affects your input cost of equipment. So it is necessary to learn the pleated filter cartridge very well if you plan to manufacture the filter cartridge.